Education Awards 

The Community Champion Award  
This award is looking to find someone who has community at the heart of everything they do. Whether engaging with local Schools or volunteering in the community - if you know someone who puts community first and is always looking to help others, this is the award to nominate them for. 
Entries must include evidence of the nominee's community/school engagement, along with descriptions of how they make a difference. Testimonials are welcome to be included in the entry to highlight the nominee's impact. 



Teacher of the Year Award 
The Teacher of the Year Award is to celebrate teachers that have gone above and beyond for their students/ school.  
This award highlights a teacher who has made a huge impact on their pupils, celebrating dedication to the school. This can be in or out of the classroom and should demonstrate how the nominee is special. 
Entries should include evidence to show how the nominee has been innovative in engaging their pupils. Testimonials from students, other teachers/ head teacher can also be included. 
Mental Health and Wellbeing Award  
Mental Health and Wellbeing is of paramount importance, for this reason this award celebrates schools who are actively encouraging activities that nurture children's mental health. This may be in the form of a group set up specifically focussed on mental health, or other activities that are beneficial to wellbeing.  
It could even include charity events that have raised awareness for mental health. 
Entries should include a description of how mental health and wellbeing is prioritised by the school/ individual and the positive impact this has had on the school community. 



The Green Award  
This award looks for schools that have designated projects/ programmes running to aid the environment. This could be recycling, gardening, raising awareness of climate change, walk/cycle to school schemes or some of the many other ways in which we can be kinder to our planet. 
Entries should include a description of what the project entails, who was involved, and any plans for the future to ensure that the project continues to be beneficial to the environment. Pictures of any projects are welcome. The entry should show how the passion for looking after the environment has been translated to engage pupils and make being an eco warrior fun! 
Internet Safety, Gaming and Cyber Bullying Award 
The internet is now a part of daily life, learning and socialising for society. This is why it is important that measures are taken to ensure that pupils are learning to be safe and responsible online. 
We want to hear of innovative and exciting ways you are getting your pupils involved with this. 
Entries can include any projects/ lessons that have included any areas regarding internet safety, gaming and cyber-bullying. Whether it is raising awareness of what to look out for or taking preventative measures to ensure safety online. 



Outstanding Pupil Award 
This award is for a pupil that has demonstrated excellence in their year. This could include pupils who have arranged something extra-special for the school, perhaps fundraising for a particular cause. It could also include a pupil who has made great progress during their year or undertaken a project. It is an award to shout about how great the nominee is and why they deserve to win the outstanding pupil award. 
Entries should include a description of the nominees character, what they have done to be nominated for the award, testimonials from teachers/ head teacher. 
Extra-Curricular Award  
We are looking for an innovative extra-curricular club / activity that enhances pupil's school experience. This should be a club that brings students and teachers together, encouraging pupils imagination and creativity. 
Any kind of extra-curricular club/ activity can be entered here, with a detailed description of the activity, the benefit to the pupils, how the activity started and any other relevant information. Pictures can be included also. 



Teaching Assistant of the Year Award  
This award recognises the integral role teaching assistants play in a classroom and school-wide setting. We are looking for individuals that are engaged with their pupils and are consistently coming up with new ways to make learning exciting. The Teaching Assistant of the Year nominees should be individuals whom the school would be lost without. 
Entries can include testimonials from pupils to show their impact on the school community. This can be with work they are doing in or our of the classroom to enrich pupils school experience. The entry should also include how the teaching assistant provides support to not only the teacher, but the class as well. 
Sports Award 
Sport provides a way to keep fit and healthy, both physically and mentally. The Sports Award allows schools to showcase their physical education lessons, sports clubs or teams and their major benefits to the school as a whole. 
Entries for this award can include teams, clubs that promote a fun, engaging way to stay fit and healthy. This should consist of a description of what the lessons, clubs or teams have achieved, ways in which it has been beneficial to the children (and staff!), plans for future developments, any competitions that have taken place or been entered. 


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